Setting targets and planning are keys to success remember that If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail! Congratulations to the following students who earned outstanding academic results as a result of their efforts during term two. This means that across the whole school 51% of all grades last term were A s and B s. 19% of our grades were A s and 32% were B s. 6 Ģ OUTSTANDING RESULTS IN TERM 2 The effort applied to their studies has paid off for our students during term two. 5 SHOW DAY (School Closure) Wednesday Sept. DIARY Life Ed /08/17 Flinders Uni Yr 9.22/08/17 Course Counselling Day.05/09/17 Adelaide Show Day 06/09/17 Gov Council Meeting.20/09/17 Inside this issue > 1 From the Principal 2 Outstanding results in term 2 3 First steps towards their future, Work Experience Student Profile 4 Year 12 Formal 5 Year 12 Formal 6 STEM Project and Expo 7 Glimpse of Expo 8 Accessing Daymap Course Counselling Day Tuesday Sept.
I am looking forward to seeing parents at our annual Course Counselling day on Tuesday 5 September but please feel free to contact me or other school staff if you need our assistance.

We will review the impact of these mid-term snapshots and may provide them for all students in term 4 if they have had a positive effect on student achievement. This is designed to increase students focus on getting their work completed to a higher quality so that their Term 3 report will reflect greater improvement. There are about 30 students who are still working hard with their teachers to complete this compulsory requirement and we are expecting many more A and B grades from them! Unfortunately we did not get a significant improvement in students task completion from term 1 to 2, so in week 5, a snapshot report will be available for years students and parents. Indonesian teachers visit Para Hills High School over a 3 week period. It is fantastic to report that 82% of the Year 12 students, who completed their SACE Research Project in semester 1, achieved an A or B grade. The Year 12 group showed the largest increase in A and B grades, which was also very pleasing. We were pleased that the term 2 results showed a 3% increase in the percentage of A and B grades.

You might remember that I mentioned that we are working hard to increase the proportion of A and B grades that students are achieving. Thanks so much to the student formal committee, Dr Swanson, Ms Hill and Ms Mercurio for ensuring it was such a memorable evening. The students looked amazing and everyone danced and sang the night away.

On Friday 4 August, the Year 12s had their formal, which was outstanding. Also, we took year 9 students to Mylor for a 3 day camp began hosting 7 teachers from Indonesia, who are learning strategies from our teachers to improve their teaching of English and IT took 3 ICE FACTOR ice hockey players to a formal reception at Government House prepared year 8 and year 11 students for their visits to Flinders University. As well as the usual programs, just last week, we hosted a Year 6-8 Science Expo for students from seven schools and a STEM Careers Expo as part of National Science Week. 1 From the Principal Janette Scott As always, school is a busy place with students and staff involved in a myriad of learning prgrams.